Green Sewage Diy Filter Brush—-AOQUN Brush Manufacturer, Your Best Choice

Green Sewage Diy Filter Brush—-AOQUN Brush Manufacturer, Your Best Choice

3rd Floor, AB Building, No. 333 South Panyu Avenue, Dongchong Town – 广州 – 中国,广东020-84858360Facebook
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Vincent from the UK said that he wanted to buy a batch of diy filter brushes for sewage system. Vincent said that he had previously purchased a batch from other suppliers, but the effect was not good. He asked us if we can provide efficient and environmentally friendly diy filter brushes to him.

We told Vincent that in the sewage purification systems of the past few years, our sewage diy filter brushes have been favored by many companies because our sewage diy filter brush is environmentally friendly, safety and high efficiency. First of all, our sewage diy filter brush uses high-quality 304 stainless steel shaft, which can resist the corrosion in the sewage pool for a long time. Secondly, we use the green cross filament, which is designed to effectively resist water flow in the horizontal direction (inflow and outflow) and vertical direction (aeration), effectively overcoming the shortage of round filament that the difficult to form biofilm due to the smooth surface. So, our brush is easier to form biofilm and the filtration purification effect is better! Vincent then sent us the product specification to us, indicating that he was looking forward to the sample. After 7 days, we successfully completed the sample and arranged it to Vincent.

After 1 month, we emailed Vincent and he said that after testing the sample, there was no corrosion and the purification effect was very good. It was very satisfactory for our recommended sewage diy filter brush. After email, Vincent placed an order of 3,000pcs.


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Green Sewage Diy Filter Brush—-AOQUN Brush Manufacturer, Your Best Choice